How to smoke a Cuban cigar

When we have purchased or been offered with a Cuban cigar, we always want to make this experience as pleasant and unforgettable as possible. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to bear in mind the following set of instructions.

First of all, we should be aware of the kind of cigar that best fits our characteristics. For example, novices are usually advised to start with one of the lighter-flavored brands and with smaller "vitolas", like Petit Coronas. For more experienced smokers, the best tip is that they get as much time for the smoking ritual as possible.

After selecting the cigar you want, you should press it gently between your thumb and index finger. It should feel firm and smooth. Then enjoy the aroma of the mature leaf and the special scent of the cedar wood with which the box is made. By doing this, you will be able to anticipate the flavors to come.

Afterward, it is time to make the cut. The cut should be made right in the line where the cap meets the wrapper, with the aim of creating an aperture that is broad enough to ensure an unobstructed draw and keeping the wrapper from unraveling.

When lighting your cigar, two principles apply. The first one is to light it with an odorless flame. You should always use a long wooden match or a butane gas lighter. Never use a gasoline lighter or a candle's flame in this activity, because their strong smell will spoil the neat aroma of your cigar. The second principle is to take your time and do a thorough job. Hold the foot of the cigar at 90 degrees to the flame, and rotate it until the surface is evenly lit. Place the cigar between your lips and hold the flame approximately a centimeter away from the foot of the cigar, and continue to rotate it. Next, blow gently on the foot to check that it has been evenly lit.

Smoking the cigar is the next step to be taken. First of all, don’t inhale the smoke. Bear in mind that this is not a cigarette. Instead, draw the smoke gently into your mouth and allow it to play gloriously on your taste buds. Do not remove the band, because you might damage the wrapper. Relax and savor the delicate aromas and flavors of the tobacco leaves present in the blend. In case that your cigar lights out, you may relight it, but first you should clean up any loose ash or may find it hard to reignite it.

Like a fine wine, a Cuban cigar is a masterpiece cultivated by a tradition of perfection. That’s why, when the sad moment comes to part with your Habano, you should not just put it out like a cigarette. You better lay it to rest in the ashtray and go out by itself. Like a hero, you should allow it to die with dignity.